Thứ Bảy, 24 tháng 8, 2019


私の家族は四人です。My family is four persons.
妻と娘 (musume) と息子 (musuko) がいます。Wife, daughter, son and I.
でも恋人 (koibito) がいません。But the second wife not come yet.

私はエンジニアです。I am an engineer.
多度津造船の会社で柳川さんと平日午前8時から午後5時まで働いています。I work with Mr. Yanagawa from 8 am to 5 pm on weekdays at the Tadotsu Shipbuilding Company.
香川県丸亀市北山に住んでいます。I live in Bắc Sơn, Hoàn Quy City, Hương Xuyên Prefecture.
家から会社まで30分かかります。It takes 30 minutes from home to work.
柳川さんと車で会社へ行きます。I go to the company by car with Yanagawa.
仕事 (shigoto) はとてもいいです。The job is very good.
週末 (shumatsu) は家でゆっくり休みます。I take a rest slowly at home on weekends.

妻は教師 (kyoshi) です。My wife is a teacher.
妻は中学校で数学 (sūgaku) を教えています。My wife teaches mathematics at junior high school.
毎日仕事を終わってから、家で料理を調理 (chōri)します。After finishing work every day, cook at home.
妻の料理はとても美味しいです。My wife's food is very delicious.
時々妻と一緒に料理を作ります。I sometimes cook with my wife.

娘は大学生です。My daughter is a college student.
大阪産業 (sangyō) 大学で国際関系 (kankei) を学んで (manande) います。She am studying international relations at Osaka Sangyo University.
娘は将来海外 (shōrai kaigai) で働きたいと言いますから、毎日頑張 (ganba) ります。My daughter says she wants to work overseas in the future, so I will do my best every day.

息子は中学校4年生です。My son is a 4th grade junior high school student.
来年6月に高校の入学試験 (nyūgaku shiken) があるので、一所懸命 (isshokenmei) に勉強します。There will be a high school entrance examination in June next year, so He will study hard.

私の家族の全員は旅行が大好きですが、お金がありませんからどこへも行けない。All of my family loves to travel, but they can't go anywhere because they have no money.

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