Thứ Ba, 27 tháng 8, 2019

20190901 working hour revised

就業報告票につきまして、改訂いたしましたので9月分より改訂版への差替えをお願い いたします。The employment report has been revised, so please replace it with the revised version in September.
また、備考欄には出張・代替休日・振替休日・早退・遅刻などの詳細をご記入いただき ますよう、よろしくお願いいたします。In the remarks column, please enter details such as business trips, alternative holidays, transfer holidays, early departures, and late arrivals.
【改定事項】※別紙サンプルの赤字箇所 。[Revised items] * Attached sheet sample in red.

・“適用”欄(旧勤怠区分)に午前休、午後休、欠勤、その他の休暇(特別休暇、夏季休暇など) を追加しましたので、該当するものを選択してください。 
1. Change attendance class (categorized into “classification” and “application”)
・ Please select either working days or non-working days in the “Category” column.

・ Morning, afternoon, absence from work, and other holidays (special holidays, summer holidays, etc.) have been added to the “Applicable” column (former attendance class), so select the appropriate one.

・出社時間が08:45より遅れた場合や17:30より早く退社した場合は遅刻・早退として計 算されます。 
2. Add late / early leave column

・ If you leave the office after 08:45 or leave earlier than 17:30, it will be calculated as late / early departure.

・法定休日出勤は“休日労働”、法定外休日出勤は“時間外労働”に表示されるよう変更いた しました。 
3. Change in working hours on legal and non-legal holidays

-Changed so that legal holiday attendance is displayed as "Holiday Work" and non-statutory holiday work is displayed as "Overtime Work".

4). Delete remaining paid days / days carried over

-In the future, please manage the number of days left for each paid leave with the KINTONE vacation notification application.

【備考欄への記入事項】 [Entry in the remarks column]
・出張   :出張内容や移動などをご記入ください。  

・ Business trip: Please fill in the business trip details and travel.

  (Example) Visiting a ship, meeting a dock, moving (00- △△), etc.
・代替休日、振替休日 :いつの休日出勤の代休もしくは振休なのかをご記入ください。

・ Alternate holidays, transfer holidays: Please indicate when the holiday attendance is paid or closed.

    (Example) 6/2 substitute holiday, 7/15 holiday, etc.
・早退、遅刻   :早退や遅刻の理由をご記入ください。 
・ Early departure or lateness: Please indicate the reason for early departure or lateness.

  (Example) Leave early for 0, late for 0, etc.
・残業   :上長の許可を得て残業する場合は理由をご記入ください。 ・ Overtime: If you are working overtime with the permission of your supervisor, please indicate the reason.
ご不明な点がございましたら、人事・業務グループまでお問合せください。 If you have any questions, please contact the Human Resources / Business Group.

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