Payment is in a pinch!
In such a case, "Revolving later"!
Even if you spend unplanned expenses, you can change to a fixed monthly payment with "Revolving later"!
Customer application deadline
Payment account
Shiharai ga pinchi!
Son'na toki wa `atokararibo'!
Yotei-gai no shuppi demo,`atokararibo'nara, maitsuki ichi teigaku no o shiharai ni henkō dekimasu!
Okyakusama no o mōshikomi kigen
O shiharai kōza
Chi支 Bật払いがピンチ!
そんな Thời時は「あとからリボ」!
Dư予 Định定 Ngoại外の Xuất出 Phí費でも、「あとからリボ」なら、Mỗi毎 Nguyệt月 Nhất一 Định定 Ngạch額のお Chi支 Bật払いに Biến変 Cánh更できます!
お Khách客 Dạng様のお Thân申し Vu込み Kỳ期 Hạn限
お Chi支 Bật払い Khẩu口 Tọa座
Target card name
The payment of Oct 26th, you can apply before Oct 20th
Customer's revolving payment settings
Revolving credit usage limit
Payment course
Taishō kādo meishō
10gatsu 26-nichi o shiharai-bun wa 10gatsu 20-nichi made o mōshikomi itadakemasu.
Okyakusama no riboharai go settei naiyō
Riboharai go riyō-waku
O shiharai kōsu
Đối対 Tượng象カード Danh名 Xưng称
10月26日お支払い分は10月20日までお Thân申し Vu込みいただけます。
お客様のリボ払いご Thiết設 Định定 Nội内 Dung容
リボ払いご Lợi利 Dụng用 Hoa枠
お Chi支 Bật払いコース
Fixed principal course
Fixed principal course / 5,000 yen monthly
Revolving fee rate
Real annual rate
Payment date
Bankin teigaku kōsu
Bankin teigaku kōsu/ maitsuki 5 sen-en
Riboharai tesūryō-ritsu
Jisshitsu nenritsu
O shiharai-bi
Nguyên元 Kim金 Định定 Ngạch額コース
元金定額コース/ Mỗi毎 Nguyệt月5 Thiên千 Viên円
リボ Bật払い Thủ手 Số数 Liệu料 Luật率
Thực実 Chất質 Niên年 Luật率
お Chi支 Bật払い Nhật日
The usage fee is due on the last day of every month and will be paid on the 26th of the following month.
If the payment date is a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday, it will be the next business day.
Payment method
Based on the payment course specified in advance, the fee (comprehensive) calculated on a daily basis 365 days a year (366 days a year) at the fee rate specified by our company for the unsettled balance of revolving payment by the monthly deadline You will be required to pay the sum of the credit purchase fee) and the principal as the repayment on the specified payment date every month.
Go riyō daikin wa maitsuki matsujitsu shimekiri de yokugetsu 26-nichi no o shiharai to narimasu.
O shiharai-bi ga donichi shukujitsu no baai wa yokueigyōbi to narimasu.
O shiharai hōhō
Arakajime go shitei no o shiharai kōsu ni motodzuki, maitsuki shimekiribi made no riboharai no mikessai zandaka ni taishite, heisha shotei no tesūryō-ritsu ni yori toshi 365-nichi (Seki-nen wa toshi 366-nichi) de hiwari keisan shita tesūryō (hōkatsu shin'yō kōnyū assen no tesūryō) to bankin no gōkei-gaku o bensai-kin to shite, maitsuki shotei no o shiharai-bi ni o shiharai itadakimasu.
ご Lợi利 Dụng用 Đại代 Kim金は Mỗi毎 Nguyệt月 Mạt末 Nhật日 Đề締 Thiết切で Dực翌月26日のお支払いとなります。
お Chi支 Bật払い Nhật日が Thổ土 Nhật日 Chúc祝日の Trường場 Hợp合は Dực翌 Thường営 Nghiệp業日となります。
お支払い Phương方 Pháp法
あらかじめご Chỉ指 Định定のお Chi支 Bật払いコースに Cơ基づき、Mỗi毎 Nguyệt月 Đề締 Thiết切 Nhật日までのリボ Bật払いの Mạt未 Quyết決 Tế済 Tàn残 Cao高に Đối対して、Tiết弊 Xã社 Sở所 Định定の Thủ手 Số数 Liệu料 Luật率により Niên年365日(Quan関 Niên年は年366日)で Nhật日 Cát割 Kế計 Toán算した Thủ手 Số数 Liệu料(Bao包 Quát括 Tín信 Dụng用 Cấu購 Nhập入あっせんの手数料)と Nguyên元 Kim金の Hợp合 Kế計 Ngạch額を Biện弁 Tế済 Kim金として、Mỗi毎 Nguyệt月 Sở所 Định定のお支払い日にお支払いいただきます。
Payment example
(If you use a fixed principal course of 10,000 yen and use 50,000 yen from September 1st to September 30th)
First payment (payment) [October 26] 10,000 yen
Second payment (payment) [November 26] 10,614 yen (including 614 yen)
O shiharai rei
(Bankin teigaku kōsu 1 man-en de 9 tsuki 1-nichi 〜 9 tsuki 30-nichi made ni 5 man-en o go riyō no baai)
Shokai no o shiharai (bensai-kin) [10 tsuki 26-nichi] 10, 000-en
Ni kaime no o shiharai (bensai-kin) [11 tsuki 26-nichi] 10, 614-en (uchi tesūryō 614-en)
初回のお支払い(弁済金)[10月26日] 10,000円
ニ回目のお支払い(弁済金)[11月26日] 10,614円(内手数料614円)
お Chi支 Bật払い Lệ例
(Nguyên 元 Kim金 Định定 Ngạch額コース1 Vạn万 Viên円で9月1日〜9月30日までに5万円をごLợi利 Dụng用の Trường場 Hợp合)
Sơ初 Hồi回のお Chi支 Bật払い(Biện弁 Tế済 Kim金)[10月26日] 10,000円
Nhịニ Hồi回 Mục目のお Chi支 Bật払い(Biện弁 Tế済 Kim金)[11月26日] 10,614円(Nội内 Thủ手 Số数 Liệu料614円)
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